Article history
The research reported in this issue of the journal was funded by the HTA programme as project number 11/46/14. The contractual start date was in December 2012. The report detailing the set up phase and initial outcomes began editorial review in November 2014 and was accepted for publication in January 2015. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and production house have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments on the final report document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report. Should the study progress further, the full report will be published in the HTA journal.
Declared competing interests of authors
WSL reports an unrestricted, independent, investigator-initiated research grant from Pfizer, outside the field of influenza. JSN-V-T reports grants from GlaxoSmithKline, grants from F Hoffmann–La Roche, and non-financial support from European Scientific Working Group of Influenza, outside the submitted work. In addition, JN-V-T was employed by SmithKline Beecham (now a part of GlaxoSmithKline – manufacturer of zanamivir and influenza vaccines) from 2000 to 2001, and by Roche Products Ltd (manufacturer of oseltamivir) from 2001 to 2002; he has held no shares, share options or pension rights in either company since 2004. He performed paid consultancy for both companies and several other influenza vaccine manufacturers in the period 2008–10 (all of these lying outside the ICJME 36-month official window of declaration but declared here for completeness). JN-V-T’s brother is a current employee of GlaxoSmithKline but does not work in an influenza-related field.
Copyright statement
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2015. This work was produced by Lim et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Influenza virus infection is associated with a wide spectrum of illness, from no symptoms to pneumonia and death. During a pandemic, most people are likely to experience a minor influenza-like illness, characterised by fever and cough, typically lasting 7–10 days. For pandemic planning purposes, the UK Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Strategy 2011 recommends that an estimated 1–4% of symptomatic patients should be expected to require hospital care. 1 Patients may be admitted to hospital either because of influenza-related exacerbations of underlying co-existing illnesses, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or as a result of complications of influenza infection, such as pneumonia.
Following hospital admission, some patients deteriorate rapidly (within 24 hours) and require Intensive Care Unit (ICU)-level support for respiratory failure. The proportion who might require ICU support in a pandemic is difficult to predict and a range of 15–25% of hospitalised patients has been suggested. 1 In a high-severity pandemic, resource limitations will probably define the upper limit. In the low-severity pandemic of 2009, 17% of hospitalised patients were admitted to level 2 or level 3 care; the median time from symptom onset to ICU admission was 6 days, and from hospital admission to ICU admission was 2 days. Overall, 7% of hospitalised patients with confirmed H1N1 influenza infection died. 2
Current principles of therapy in the management of adults admitted to hospital with pandemic influenza infection include appropriate fluid replacement, oxygen supplementation, antiviral therapy and organ support, as required. 3 In addition, antibiotic therapy is recommended for all hospitalised adults except previously well adults with only influenza-related acute bronchitis.
Corticosteroids in influenza
The role of corticosteroids in severe influenza infection remains uncertain. During the early phase of illness, influenza A virus infection induces inflammatory [e.g. interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8] and T-helper type 1 cell immune responses [e.g. interferon-induced protein 10, monokine induced by interferon-gamma (MIG)], correlating with clinical illness. 4 Hypercytokinaemia is also recognised in patients with H5N1 influenza infection (e.g. IL-6, IL-10, MIG) with the highest levels found in patients who subsequently die. 5 Similar changes have been observed in patients with 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection. 6 Such inflammatory cytokines may suppress the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, resulting in relative adrenal insufficiency or competing with intracellular glucocorticoid receptor function, resulting in peripheral tissue steroid resistance. 7 In patients with septic shock and community-acquired pneumonia, corticosteroids in low doses (e.g. hydrocortisone ≤ 300 mg per day or dexamethasone ≤ 11.25 mg/day) downregulates proinflammatory cytokine transcription and has been shown to improve innate immunity. 8–10
In clinical practice, corticosteroid use in influenza is widespread, non-systematic and marked by controversy. 11,12 During the 2009 pandemic, corticosteroid use in critically ill patients with H1N1 influenza was identified in 83 (40%) of 208 patients in a French registry, 107 (44%) of 245 patients in a South Korean cohort study, and 126 (57%) of 220 patients in the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine H1N1 registry. 13–15 The heterogeneity of these cohort studies and non-randomised study designs preclude any firm conclusions regarding the risks or benefits of corticosteroids in the treatment of influenza. A recent meta-analysis of observational studies of adjuvant corticosteroids in influenza found an association with increased mortality but there were important concerns regarding the risks of bias – in particular, bias arising from confounding by indication (corticosteroids prescribed in the sickest patients as a ‘treatment of last resort’). 16 No completed randomised trials of the use of corticosteroids in patients with pandemic, avian or seasonal influenza infection were identified.
Corticosteroids in pneumonia and sepsis
In patients who are hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia, trials of adjuvant corticosteroids have reported significant reductions in median length of hospital stay and faster declines in C-reactive protein levels and defervescence. 17,18 In 2011, a Cochrane systematic review of systemic corticosteroid use in all-cause pneumonia reported no overall mortality benefit, but a reduction in time to resolution of symptoms: in the subgroup of individuals with severe pneumonia, a reduction in the need for mechanical ventilation and improved oxygenation was found. 19 A more recent meta-analysis,20 which included additional randomised controlled trials, reported a survival benefit from corticosteroid therapy in the subgroup of patients with severe pneumonia. Currently, three large randomised controlled clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of adjuvant corticosteroids in community-acquired pneumonia are recruiting; the interventions being tested are prednisolone 50 mg daily for 7 days ( identifier: NCT00973154), dexamethasone 6 mg daily for 4 days ( identifier: NCT01743755) and methylprednisolone 40 mg/kg daily in tapering doses over 20 days ( identifier: NCT01283009).
In adults with septic shock, international sepsis guidelines recommend that low-dose corticosteroids may be considered if fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are inadequate to restore haemodynamic stability. 21 This recommendation is based on different strands of evidence, including the results from numerous randomised controlled trials and subsequent meta-analyses. In one systematic review22 of 12 randomised trials examining the benefit of low-dose corticosteroids [hydrocortisone ≤ 300 mg per day (equivalent to dexamethasone ≤ 11.25 mg/day)] for ≥ 5 days compared with placebo in adults with severe sepsis and septic shock (n = 1228), 28-day mortality was 37.5% compared with 44.1% [risk ratio (RR) 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.72 to 0.97]. However, this finding contrasts with the results of the largest completed trial (Corticosteroid Therapy of Septic Shock), which examined the role of low-dose corticosteroids in patients with septic shock (n = 499); no significant difference in mortality was evident between corticosteroid and placebo groups (34% vs. 31%). 23 More recently, a large observational cohort study reported higher overall mortality rates in patients with severe sepsis who received corticosteroids than in those who did not (58% vs. 43%). 24 The prevailing controversy regarding the role of low-dose corticosteroids in severe sepsis is reflected in the inconsistent and varied use of corticosteroids observed in clinical practice internationally, ranging from 9% to > 60% of patients enrolled in the Promoting Global Research Excellence in Severe Sepsis registry in different countries. 24 Currently, a further large randomised controlled clinical trial of hydrocortisone in critically ill patients with septic shock is recruiting (target sample size n = 3800); the intervention is hydrocortisone given as an infusion of 200 mg/day for 7 days ( identifier: NCT01448109). 25
Potential harm of corticosteroids
A systematic review of corticosteroid trials in severe sepsis and septic shock did not identify any increased risk of gastroduodenal bleeding, superinfection or neuromuscular weakness. An association with an increased risk of hyperglycaemia (RR 1.16, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.25) and hypernatraemia (RR 1.61, 95% CI 1.26 to 2.06) was noted.
Of trials in community-acquired pneumonia, Meijvis et al. 17 observed that hyperglycaemia was more common in the treatment group, whereas Snijders et al. 18 noted that the risk of hyperglycaemia requiring additional therapy was non-significantly higher in the treatment group (2.3% of 104 vs. 0.9% of 109; p = 0.27). Snijders et al. 18 observed an increase in late failures in corticosteroid-treated patients compared with control subjects, described as the need for an additional course of antibiotics, the need for another or prolonged course of prednisolone or development of a parapneumonic effusion necessitating additional therapy. Rebound inflammation as a result of the withdrawal of corticosteroids may explain this finding. In contrast, Meijvis et al. 17 did not observe any differences in late failure. This may relate to relative differences between the half-lives of the different corticosteroids tested (prednisolone vs. dexamethasone).
A meta-analysis of trials investigating the use of corticosteroids in acute bacterial meningitis observed that participants who were treated with corticosteroids had an increase in recurrent fever (RR 1.27, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.47). 26 The rate of persistent fever was lower in the corticosteroid-treated patients (RR 0.29, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.70), whereas other complications (including gastrointestinal haemorrhage) occurred in similar proportions of treatment and control groups.
The Adjuvant Steroids in Adults with Pandemic influenza trial
The Adjuvant Steroids in Adults with Pandemic influenza (ASAP) trial is one of eight National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)-funded pandemic studies set up in readiness for activation at the next pandemic; it is the only randomised trial among the eight. To date, no randomised trials have been conducted successfully during a pandemic. Key barriers to overcome include securing ethics and other regulatory approvals in time, developing the necessary trial procedures and materials to use during a pandemic when health services will already be overstretched, determining how best to offer consent to participants, staff training, and doing all this in time for results to inform patient care within the same pandemic.
The aims of the ASAP trial are therefore to (1) determine whether or not low-dose corticosteroids given as an adjunct to standard treatment is beneficial in patients hospitalised with severe pandemic influenza, and (2) demonstrate that an ‘off-the-shelf’ model for a trial designed, set up and ready to activate during a public health emergency is possible.
The trial study design and planned analyses are described below. Methodological aspects of trial set-up and delivery that are unique to the ‘off-the-shelf’ nature of this study are reported below (see Results).
Study design
This is a pragmatic, blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial to determine whether or not during a pandemic, a 5-day course of dexamethasone, started within 24 hours of admission, in addition to standard care, is associated with a lower risk of death or admission to intensive care compared with placebo for adults (≥ 16 years) admitted to hospital with an influenza-like illness. This trial will be conducted at 30–40 sites across the UK during the first wave of the next influenza pandemic and will recruit 2200 participants, probably over a 6-week period.
The trial is set out in three phases: set-up, hibernation and activation. A summary of these phases is given in Appendix 1 (see section 6.1, figure 1). During the hibernation phase, regular review of trial procedures and sites will ensure that the trial is maintained in a state in which it can be rapidly activated to start recruitment in the event of a pandemic. When the NIHR activates the trial, it will move to a preactivation phase of 4–6 weeks. This final phase of trial set-up will include production and distribution of the trial drug and trial materials, finalisation of trial procedures, and a check of site readiness prior to beginning recruitment.
Adults with a clinical diagnosis of an influenza-like illness at the time of hospitalisation will be eligible for recruitment to the ASAP trial; a laboratory diagnosis of influenza will not be required. The definition of an influenza-like illness will be confirmed at the start of the pandemic and will conform to the definition provided by Public Health England at the time.
Adults known to be taking or requiring corticosteroids at the time of hospitalisation, and those on medication for the treatment of diabetes mellitus will not be eligible to participate in the trial.
Participants will be randomised (1 : 1 ratio) to receive dexamethasone or placebo. An overview of the trial design is given in Appendix 1 (see section 6.1, figure 2). Randomisation will be stratified by site. Each site will receive batches of sealed trial treatment packs in a consecutively numbered series. The treatment packs each contain (1) a 75-ml bottle of either dexamethasone 2 mg/5 ml or placebo (sufficient for 5 days of treatment); (2) instructions for the take home pack (for participants discharged within 5 days of admission); and (3) administration instructions. Trial treatment packs will be stored and available in each area where patients with influenza will be admitted during a pandemic. The two treatments, dexamethasone and placebo, are indistinguishable. Allocation to trial treatment will be by taking the next in the series of treatment packs in that area. Participants will be considered to be in the trial once the trial treatment pack label is completed regardless of whether or not they take any allocated treatment.
The study intervention is dexamethasone administered as an oral liquid preparation, 6 mg once daily for 5 days. Dexamethasone 6 mg is equivalent to prednisolone 40 mg or hydrocortisone 160 mg.
The study control is a matching placebo identical in colour, taste and consistency to the intervention.
In addition to the intervention/placebo, all patients will receive standard care for influenza, including oxygen supplementation, fluids, antivirals and antibiotics as appropriate.
Dexsol® (dexamethasone) 2 mg/5 ml oral solution manufactured by Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd (PL 00427/0137) will be used in this trial.
A batch of matching placebo has been manufactured and is being stored by Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A new batch of placebo will be manufactured to replace outdated stock as appropriate. Manufacturing time is approximately 4 weeks.
Three manufacturing units have been contracted to provide Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) packaging and release services.
The design and analysis of the trial includes the flexibility to allow for pandemics of different severity. In a high-severity pandemic, the primary composite outcome is admission to intensive care or death by day 30. Secondary outcomes are (1) length of stay in the ICU; (2) readmission to hospital within 30 days of hospital discharge; (3) length of stay in hospital; (4) death within 30 days of admission to hospital; (5) admission to ICU within 30 days of admission to hospital; and (6) general practitioner consultations within 30 days of hospital discharge.
For the purposes of this trial, ‘admission to intensive care’ is defined as provision of level 3 care (usually involving mechanical ventilation); this includes the provision of such care in non-traditional level 3 environments as might be encountered under contingency or crisis situations during a pandemic. 27,28 This definition of ‘intensive care’ accords with the Department of Health planning assumptions. 29 Most patients who require critical care are likely to be mechanically ventilated at some point; during the low-severity 2009 pandemic, 77% of patients managed in critical care in the UK required advanced respiratory support. 30
In a low-/moderate-severity pandemic, the primary outcome is time to hospital discharge, right censored at 30 days.
At the outset of a pandemic, its severity will not necessarily be accurately appreciated. The ASAP trial is planned in anticipation of a high-severity pandemic; this represents the most challenging situation for trial execution and also the situation in which the trial results might have the largest public health impact. In addition, at the start of a pandemic, patients with more severe illness will be more readily identified and recognised compared with patients with mild or subclinical disease, hence potentially masking the true overall nature of the pandemic. Uncertainty regarding the severity of a pandemic will remain until sufficient data are gathered, which may not be until after the end of the first pandemic wave.
A review of pandemic severity will be conducted by the Trial Management Group and Trial Steering Committee (TSC) as the pandemic unfolds. Decisions regarding the final analysis plan and final primary outcome will rest with the TSC. These decisions are expected to be informed by discussions at the time with the Department of Health, NIHR and Public Health England, and will be made before any analyses of trial data are undertaken.
Current modelling estimates from the Department of Health are that for a high-severity pandemic, 35% of those admitted to hospital will die and 25% will be admitted to intensive care. It is anticipated that if these thresholds are not met, the pandemic will not be considered of ‘high severity’. For the purposes of the ASAP trial, thresholds defining a low-severity epidemic compared with a moderate-severity pandemic are less important.
Trial oversight
A TSC and a Data Monitoring Committee have been established. Yearly updates will be provided to these committees during the hibernation phase.
Statistical considerations
For a high-severity pandemic, with 1100 participants in each arm, the trial will have > 90% power to detect a 20% relative difference given a control event rate of 35%, or 80% power to detect a 15% relative difference given a control event rate of 40%, both with 5% two-sided alpha level. Further details of sample size estimates over a range of possible scenarios is given in Appendix 1 (see section 9.2).
For a low-/moderate-severity pandemic, a hazard ratio of 1.25, indicating an increased risk of discharge at any given time, is considered as the minimum clinically relevant change to detect. With 90% power and 1% two-sided alpha level, 5% censored in the control arm, up to 10% die in hospital in both arms, and 5% non-collection of primary outcome data, about 920 participants are required to be randomised for a low-/moderate-severity pandemic.
The initial target total sample size for the ASAP trial is 2200 participants. If the pandemic is of low or moderate severity, it is likely that fewer than 2200 participants will be randomised during the first wave of approximately 6 weeks’ duration, although this definition will not be available until after the end of the first wave. If more than 920 participants are randomised in a low-/moderate-severity pandemic then smaller effect sizes may be detectable.
We will compare numbers, age and sex of randomised participants with aggregate summary data of all patients who are admitted to hospital with influenza-like illness during the study period. We will compare baseline characteristics of the randomised arms using appropriate descriptive statistics. Between-group comparisons for primary and secondary outcomes will be conducted using an intention-to-treat (ITT) approach, implemented using appropriate regression models, and with results presented as point estimates, such as a ratio or difference comparing dexamethasone with placebo, with 95% CIs and p-values.
Secondary analyses will include additional adjustment for variables displaying an important imbalance at baseline. We anticipate little, if any, missing primary outcome data and therefore will use ITT without imputation as the main approach, and will investigate the influence of any missing data in sensitivity analyses, including multiple imputation. All analyses will be conducted using Stata version 13 or higher (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA) or MLwiN 2.10 or higher (MLwiN, Centre for Multilevel Modelling, Bristol, UK).
A planned early analysis focused on the primary end points will be performed to provide rapid data to the UK Department of Health prior to the start of the second pandemic wave.
Preplanned subgroup analyses will be conducted for the primary outcome, based on the following baseline factors: (1) duration of symptoms; (2) clinical diagnosis of pneumonia; (3) underlying comorbid illness; and (4) severity of influenza. Outcomes will be reported descriptively by subgroup category and treatment arm, and formally estimated by fitting interaction terms in the regression models. It is recognised that power to detect subgroup effects is likely to be low, and these analyses will be regarded as exploratory and interpreted with due caution.
In parallel with the ASAP trial, we have set up a mechanistic substudy to be conducted at six pre-selected trial-participating sites. The substudy will collect biological samples from 200 ASAP trial participants in order to determine the interaction of steroid therapy and the host, and to apply this in interpreting the clinical outcomes measured.
All patients recruited into the ASAP trial at substudy sites will be given the opportunity to participate in the substudy. Consent for participation in the substudy will be taken separately to the ASAP trial. Two blood samples and one nasal swab for subsequent transcriptomic and microbiological testing will be obtained from participants at baseline and 48 hours post first dose of ASAP trial medication.
Chapter 2 Results
This trial has not yet been activated. The status of the trial at the end of the set-up phase is reported together with results from patient and public involvement (PPI) consultations.
Patient and public involvement regarding trial consent
Consultations with patients and the public regarding the ASAP trial, and specifically in relation to the consent process, included events with representatives from charitable organisations related to respiratory disorders (Asthma UK, British Lung Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, British Thoracic Society), PPI representatives of the East Midlands Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC), a local public library reading group, and members of a town council. In addition, two independent front-line consultants – who were, themselves, patients in the 2009 pandemic – were personally consulted. The majority view from these consultations was a preference for a clear verbal consent process prior to trial enrolment in contrast to a weightier written consent approach (Table 1). Initial opinions from a Research Ethics Committee (REC) also favoured a verbal consent approach; indeed, REC approval for a verbal consent approach was given on 29 October 2013. This approval was subsequently reversed on 11 November 2013, on the grounds of existing legal requirements in relation to controlled trials of investigational medicinal products [Clinical Trial of Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMPs)]. Following further extensive consultations involving the REC, Health Research Authority (HRA), Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and NIHR, during which the results of PPI consultations were made available, eventual REC approval was obtained on 19 February 2014, based on a written consent approach in accordance with current legislation.
Regulatory approvals
This trial has been approved by the UK MHRA (European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trial 2013–001051–12) and the South Central – Oxford C REC (13/SC/0436). Global governance checks have been completed in England, Wales and Scotland, enabling sites to issue local UK NHS permissions. The study is International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) registered, and will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, the standards of Good Clinical Practice (as defined by the International Conference on Harmonisation), and UK regulatory and ethical requirements.
Owing to the lengthy hibernation period, MHRA approval was granted on the condition that a substantial amendment is submitted at the time of activation to confirm that there is no change to the risk–benefit analysis of the trial.
The requirement for an annual Development Safety Update Report (DSUR) was waived by the MHRA. In place of this, an annual letter will be sent advising of any changes in risk–benefit analysis of the trial until the trial is activated. Standard DSUR submissions will commence once the trial has been activated.
NHS permissions
Twenty-nine sites have been granted NHS site permission and a further 11 sites are in the process of obtaining local approvals (data as of 22 January 2015). These sites cover a wide geographical area across the UK, including most major cities (Figure 1).
The ASAP trial, together with other studies identified as urgent public health research, have been excluded from the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) high-level objective of ‘first patient, first visit within 70 days’, thus enabling sites to grant NHS permission in advance of trial activation.
Trial activation
The trial will be activated at the request of NIHR. The decision to activate will be informed by close discussions with Public Health England, trial investigators and the TSC. Recruitment will occur at influenza admission points in all participating sites. It is anticipated that recruitment will be completed by the end of the first wave of the pandemic.
Chapter 3 Discussion
To our knowledge, this is the first multicentre clinical trial that has been set up in order to be placed in hibernation, ready for rapid activation at an unspecified future date. The biggest challenge in setting up this trial has been the uncertainty regarding the timing and severity of a future influenza pandemic. Being prepared for pandemics of different severities was one of the major learning points from research conducted during the 2009 pandemic. 31
The trial design is based on the event of a high-severity pandemic, this being the default position at the start of a pandemic when the severity of a pandemic may not yet be apparent. To allow for a less severe pandemic, we have included flexibility within the trial conduct and analysis.
Choice of intervention
Different corticosteroids have been, and are currently being, tested in the context of acute severe infections and sepsis. The most commonly used oral preparations are dexamethasone and prednisolone. Compared with prednisolone, dexamethasone has (1) minimal mineralocorticoid activity and does not affect sodium and water balance, thus avoiding potential problems with fluid retention, which are not uncommon in severe viral pneumonitis, and (2) a comparatively long biological half-life, potentially offering protection against late failures resulting from rebound inflammation. 17
The oral liquid preparation will enable the vast majority of eligible participants to receive the intervention except those who are either strictly ‘nil by mouth’ or who are unable to swallow. For some of these participants, administration via an enteral feeding tube will be possible. This approach is similar to the manner in which oseltamivir (Tamiflu®, Roche) was administrated during the 2009 pandemic [no intravenous (i.v.) formulation licensed at the time], when only a small proportion (< 3%) of patients in intensive care received ‘off-licence’ i.v. antiviral therapy. 32
The oral absorption of corticosteroids in patients who are admitted to hospital with severe respiratory illness or sepsis might potentially be impaired as a result of delayed gastric emptying or altered first-pass metabolism. 33 In an open-label randomised trial of i.v. dexamethasone compared with oral dexamethasone in patients who were admitted to hospital with community-acquired pneumonia, oral bioavailability was found to be good (81%) and comparable with results from studies performed in healthy individuals. 34 No equivalent studies have been performed in critically ill patients and it remains possible that the very sickest patients will experience impaired oral absorption of dexamethasone. These patients are likely to be managed on an ICU (meeting one of the primary end points) and to represent a small proportion of the study cohort. Overall, the potential benefit of providing an i.v. preparation, with matching placebo, for use in selected trial participants, was considered to be outweighed by the risks this would pose to the practical and successful conduct of the trial in the context of a pandemic.
Evidence from existing trials of low-dose corticosteroids have not identified an increased risk of gastrointestinal complications, therefore no additional requirement for gastroprotection is required in this trial. The coherence of these decisions in relation to the trial intervention will continue to be reviewed during the hibernation phase of the trial as results from ongoing studies become available. 25,35
The following discussion highlights the hurdles encountered in setting up this trial and the considered threats to the successful conduct of this trial during a pandemic. Other investigators planning to set up similar ‘off-the-shelf’ clinical trials in response to public health crises may encounter similar challenges.
Pressure on NHS resources
In the event of a high-severity pandemic, the NHS will be under considerable pressure to continue to deliver high-quality care to all patients. Under such circumstances, any additional non-essential work is likely to be deferred. This applies at the individual level as well.
The successful conduct of pragmatic acute care multicentre trials is challenging at the best of times. The need for any research-specific measurements requiring additional patient involvement or follow-up increases trial complexity and hence the burden of research, with potentially negative impacts on trial conduct. These challenges are magnified during a pandemic. 36 To reduce any extra work related to participation in the ASAP trial, trial processes and procedures were minimised to the bare essentials. No additional investigations or measurements are necessary for the ASAP trial; data required for all major outcome measures will be captured from routine medical data sources. 37
Co-enrolment of patients
At the time of reporting, there were at least four pandemic studies that were planning to recruit patients with influenza infection in the UK hospital setting: two are part of the NIHR pandemic portfolio. Of these four studies, the only clinical intervention trial is the ASAP trial; the others are observational cohort or biological sampling studies.
The chief investigators of these trials have agreed that there is no bar to co-enrolment of patients to the ASAP trial and another study. However, other pandemic studies may be set up in future, which may compete for the same patient pool. Even if a principle of co-enrolment could be observed, it may not be acceptable for patients to be approached to participate in multiple studies simultaneously.
An expansion of pandemic studies in future will likely require some degree of prioritisation of the delivery of such research. For instance, although patients entered into the ASAP trial will not be eligible to participate into another trial simultaneously, if a patient is admitted to intensive care and hence meets one of the primary composite end points for a high-severity pandemic, it may be reasonable to consider trial exit for that patient and subsequent enrolment in another trial. Such a decision would depend on a number of factors, including whether or not the severity of the pandemic had already been definitively declared, as this would affect the primary end point for the ASAP trial, the potential public health impact of different trials, the likelihood of completion of a trial, possible biological interactions and patient wishes.
Whether such prioritisation should be left to local sites or co-ordinated more centrally warrants exploration as part of pandemic preparedness planning. 38 The NIHR has established a CRN Urgent Public Health Group to help ensure that urgent public health studies can be set up and delivered quickly and effectively. 39 Commercial studies may apply for approval as relevant to the urgent public health risk. However, co-enrolment involving commercial studies, whether observational or interventional, may not meet with approval by industrial partners. The impact of allowing or disallowing co-enrolment should be carefully considered at the time of approval of studies for priority status within the CRN urgent public health research framework.
Engagement of sites
Maintaining the interest and focus of sites through the set-up process has required constant effort. Understandably, because of the perception that the ASAP trial may not be activated for an undefined period of years, there is less impetus to work on this trial compared with that of other trials that have more imminent datelines.
Establishing dialogue with a core team of local investigators at each site, and enabling them to better anticipate the potential barriers to conducting a trial during a pandemic, has coincided with the role of ‘pandemic champions’ promoted by the Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialty Group to the NIHR CRNs.
The support of the Specialty Group has been invaluable not only for establishing links with interested sites, but also in raising national awareness of the trial. To ensure the delivery of pandemic research, the Specialty Group has prepared a suite of documents around urgent public health research and how it will support delivery. The ASAP trial is a recognised urgent public health study; this has provided valuable reassurance to sites of their ability to conduct clinical research during such an emergency.
Site visits during the hibernation phase may be required to maintain study awareness and confirm pandemic preparedness. Including the delivery of NIHR-funded pandemic studies in individual NHS trust pandemic plans is a further desirable step towards integrating pandemic research into service delivery.
Site selection
Although it is anticipated that any future influenza pandemic would affect the whole of the UK, different regions may be more or less severely affected. The location and distribution of pandemic ‘hot spots’ is unpredictable. 1
The 40 sites participating in the ASAP trial are well distributed across the UK. Sites that do not experience much influenza activity during the first pandemic wave may not be activated. In addition, we have provided for a ‘flying squad’ of research nurses to respond to ‘hot spots’, in support of local research teams.
The occurrence of ‘hot spots’ increases the probability of patient transfers from one hospital to another to maintain patient flow and bed capacity. It is not possible to predict which hospitals might be involved in receiving patients. We are currently working on a generic site-specific information form for continuing care sites, to enable non-recruiting sites to continue IMP administration and data collection should a trial participant be transferred in.
Supply of Investigational Medicinal Product
A high-severity pandemic would not only place the NHS under considerable pressure, but also would affect other businesses, particularly through staff sickness. To improve resilience in the supply of IMP and placebo to participating trial sites, contracts with multiple manufacturing and distribution units have been established.
Training of local investigators
Local health-care workers (HCWs) will need to be actively involved in the identification of patients who are eligible for the ASAP trial and taking patient consent. Informing and training large numbers of local HCWs with regards to the ASAP trial in advance of a pandemic (i.e. in the interpandemic period) is unsustainable. More junior HCWs, in particular, will be likely to move on before the trial is activated and the remaining HCWs would require refresher training prior to trial activation.
A suite of trial-specific training material has been prepared jointly with Good Clinical Practice trainers, in consultation with the NIHR. This material has been designed to be easy to read and suitable for rapid dissemination in the preactivation phase to local HCWs who will be involved in the trial.
Command and control
During the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in 2003, good command and control was identified as a major factor in the management of patients and hospital resources. 40 At the same time, undue reliance on any single individual or process is to be avoided.
The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU) has begun development of an internal pandemic plan to increase its resilience in the event of a pandemic, with special emphasis on the successful delivery of the ASAP trial. This includes the potential move of the trial team to an off-hospital site, away from clinical areas where patients with influenza will be managed. Online resources are being developed, both as a repository of information and a means for rapid updates to participating sites.
Changes during hibernation
The timing of a future pandemic is unpredictable. The ASAP trial has been set up with a hibernation phase of up to 10 years. There will inevitably be local and national infrastructural, policy and staff changes in this time. Maintaining trial readiness throughout these changes will require active management. As an example, in anticipation of a move overseas to take up a research directorship post, one of the trial co-investigators (SG) has already engaged another investigator (D Wootton) to take over responsibilities related to the ASAP trial. Such future-proofing strategies require forethought and long-term commitment.
Unforeseen changes that might undermine the integrity of the trial as it is currently set up may yet arise. Advances in the management of severe acute respiratory illnesses and the potential introduction of new therapies for severe influenza in particular may prompt alterations to the trial during the hibernation phase. An adaptive trial design to enable other treatment arms to be added to the ASAP trial is one consideration; any additional resources required may be justified in view of potential gains.
Lack of research staff
Current planning assumptions are that up to 50% of staff may be affected over the period of the pandemic, either directly by the illness or by caring responsibilities, thereby creating potential pressures on the response. 41 In addition to absenteeism, research staff may also be diverted to front-line clinical work. Lack of staff was identified as the main reason for poor recruitment in a pandemic trial that had to be terminated prior to completion during the 2009 pandemic. 42 To mitigate against this, we have designed the study to minimise the research sources required from sites for the conduct of this study; for instance, data collection and the Case Report Form have been designed with completion by trained administrative staff, and not necessarily by research nurses, in mind. Nevertheless, a minimum core team of local research investigators will be required at each participating site.
Employment of new research staff to support the conduct of the ASAP trial is unlikely to be feasible in view of the short time scale from recognition of a pandemic to trial activation. Redeployment of research staff from other areas of research will be required. The Comprehensive Local Research Network (CLRN) have prioritised the NIHR pandemic portfolio of studies. However, no standing agreement is in place between NIHR and other funding bodies, such as the Medical Research Council or Wellcome Trust.
High-level cross-organisational agreement is needed. Discussions held during the interpandemic period to agree on principles for prioritisation will help facilitate the more detailed discussions that will be required at the onset of a pandemic. Ultimately, the successful delivery of this trial will depend crucially on the timely and sufficient support by CLRN units at all participating sites during the pandemic.
Written informed consent
The process of taking written informed consent for a research study can potentially lead to delays in patient care with clinical consequences. This is most likely to occur when research is conducted in the context of emergency care. 43 Some patients with severe influenza will present to hospital in a state of emergency; the mean time from hospital admission to ICU transfer was 2 days during the 2009 pandemic. 2 In addition to individuals who require emergency care, a state of emergency will also prevail across the management of all patients because of the pressures on the NHS, particularly in the context of a high-severity pandemic.
The current legal requirement for a CTIMP, such as the ASAP trial, is for written informed consent, outside the waiver for emergency research. 44 This waiver applies only to individuals who require emergency care and does not include situations when the health service is in a state of emergency.
The consent approach for the ASAP trial (written informed consent) adheres to existing legal and regulatory standards for a CTIMP. However, as identified during PPI consultations, this may place it at odds with the opinions of patients and the public during a pandemic. Whether or not this will adversely impact on recruitment rates or patient management remains to be determined.
Public engagement: social media
The public’s perception of pandemics is variable. 45,46 Experience of the 2009 pandemic, which was less severe than initially portrayed, may alter how news regarding a future pandemic is received. The ASAP trial might receive wide media exposure during a pandemic and the tone of such media coverage could impact on the conduct of the trial. A public relations strategy for the NIHR pandemic portfolio of studies, including the ASAP trial, will be necessary from the time of activation.
A model for ‘off-the-shelf’ trials in public health emergencies
An influenza pandemic constitutes a public health emergency, as do bioterrorist attacks, natural disasters (such as severe flooding) and major industrial accidents leading to toxic exposures, such as from the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan. Awareness of the need to be better prepared to resolve important research questions in the context of a public health emergency has been growing over the last decade. 47 Randomised trials provide the best evidence to guide clinical practice and health policy. However, public health emergencies are, by nature, unpredictable in their timing and scale. In addition, they are typically of limited duration. These aspects pose considerable challenges to the design, set-up and execution of randomised trials.
Lessons learnt from the set-up of this study may benefit the design of other ‘off-the-shelf’ trials in future.
Chapter 4 Conclusion
Advance set-up of a pandemic trial with full regulatory approvals in place enables the resolution of many issues at an early stage outside the ‘heat’ of a pandemic. Regular attention to trial readiness during the hibernation phase will be required. This study serves as a model for the development of other ‘off-the-shelf’ trials as part of preparedness planning for public health emergencies.
We thank the team at the NCTU for all of their hard work in setting up this trial. We also thank the East Midlands Local CRN, members of the TSC and Data Monitoring Committee, Maria Koufali and staff of Research & Innovation, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Local CRNs for participating sites, Sarah Cooper at the National Coordinating Centre of the NIHR CRN, and all participating NHS sites for their ongoing help and support. Special thanks are extended to Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd for its co-operation, and to the many volunteers who contributed to the design of this trial, including representatives from the British Thoracic Society Public Liaison Committee, East Midlands CLAHRC, Stapleford Town Council and the Arnold Library, Nottingham.
Contributions of authors
Wei Shen Lim and Jonathan Nguyen-Van-Tam conceived the study.
Wei Shen Lim, Clare Brittain, Lelia Duley, Alan Montgomery and Diane Whitham managed the set-up of the study.
Stephen Gordon, Robert Read and Dan Wootton led the design of the substudy.
Wei Shen Lim drafted the report.
Sheila Edwards helped in organising PPI involvement for the study.
All authors contributed to the design of the study and the writing the report. The final draft was approved by all authors.
This report presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health. If there are verbatim quotations included in this publication the views and opinions expressed by the interviewees are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect those of the authors, those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health.
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Appendix 1 Protocol
Appendix 2 Consent form
Appendix 3 Information leaflet
Appendix 4 Follow-up questionnaire
Appendix 5 Participating sites
List of abbreviations
- Adjuvant Steroids in Adults with Pandemic influenza
- CI
- confidence interval
- Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care
- Comprehensive Local Research Network
- Clinical Research Network
- Clinical Trial of Investigational Medicinal Product
- Development Safety Update Report
- health-care worker
- Intensive Care Unit
- IL
- interleukin
- Investigational Medicinal Product
- International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
- intention to treat
- i.v.
- intravenous
- Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
- monokine induced by interferon-gamma
- Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit
- National Institute for Health Research
- patient and public involvement
- Research Ethics Committee
- RR
- risk ratio
- Trial Steering Committee